Author name: admin


You can add animation to your forms in two different ways: either by choosing from the predefined options or by adding the animation effects to chosen background images sourced from their media library. First, let’s look at how to directly import predefined animations into the forms. In the animation section navigate to ‘Pre-defined’ tab and …

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Enable Entries – Enable the option to save data to a local server during form submission and it helps you effectively manage interactions with your website visitors. If the option is enabled, the submitted form data will be stored under the Entries tab. Here you can analyze the Form data, Source URL, User’s IP, and …

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Enable Notification – This option allows the website owner to receive email notifications once the form has been submitted. Confirmation Settings – You can customize the confirmation message that appears when the form is submitted.

Style Settings

Form CSS Class – Enter the CSS Class for the form to Style it, easy maintenance, and JavaScript interactions. This makes the form look visually appealing and easy to manage. Submit Button CSS Class – Enter the CSS Class for the Submit Button to Style it, easy maintenance, and JavaScript interactions.

Security Settings

Security Nonce – Used to secure web forms against CSFR attacks. Enable AJAX form submission – This feature allows users to submit the form asynchronously, enhancing the user experience by avoiding page reloads and allowing uninterrupted interaction with the form.

Basic Settings

Form Name – If wanna change or alter the form name, you can do it here. Submit Button Text – Used to alter the label for Submit Button Submit Button Processing Text – Used to alter the text label that appears when the user clicks the Submit button


The option overlay appears when you select fields like Drop Down, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Image Radio. Navigate to the Options tab, enter the value for each option, and click ‘✓’ to add the entered value. Click ‘X’ to remove an option and click ‘+’ to add another option.


CSS Class Names/CSS ID – It is possible to add Class names and CSS IDs to each field individually. This helps you to apply styles or scripts to a specific element without affecting the others.

General Fields

Field Name – It is a unique identifier for the field for backend identification and processing purposes Label – Enter the name of the field, and the value will appear on the front end. Description – Enter the description of the field. It serves as a hint of the field Default – Specify the initial …

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Create a New Form

Navigate to the Animated Form plugin and click ‘New Form.’ Here, you can choose a predefined form template or create a new form by clicking ‘Blank Form.’ Add the form name in the ‘Name Your Form’ section. Now it’s time to add the fields that suit your needs. Just drag the field and drop it …

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Installation Steps

Ready to install an animated form on your WordPress site? Let’s get started! Once the purchase is completed, you can log in to My Account. Download the latest version of the plugin from the My Account page. After downloading the plugin from the My Account section, navigate to your WordPress site. In the admin dashboard, …

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Google News Settings

Google News Source URL – Enter the Google News Source URL. Select Link Visual Selection – Visually choose the specific category you want from the Google News page.

Google News

The WP Auto plugin’s Google News Campaign effortlessly captures content from the Google News Source Link. Its smart scraping feature smoothly navigates through designated news categories, automatically fetching articles and updates. Moreover, the plugin supports rewriting content through spinners or you can use the Open AI API to rewrite the article to enhance its uniqueness. …

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Other Settings

Maximum Number of Posts – Specify the number of posts that the campaign should generate from the source URL. Set Original Date – Activate the option to set the source post date as the current post date. Post Type – Choose the post type based on your requirements, such as Post, Page, or Product. Product …

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Image Settings

Allow duplicate image – Enabling this option allows the scraping of images with the same name No Need of Featured Image – Automatically removes the featured image. Allow Amazon Gallery Image – Allow Amazon Gallery Image: The option is enabled by default; disable it if you don’t want Amazon gallery images, importing only the featured …

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Content Settings

Search and Replace: Add Words – Enable the option to replace or remove a specific word from the scraped content. Once selected, the ‘Add Words’ section appears, allowing you to specify the word. If no replacement word is provided in the ‘Replace word’ field, then the mentioned word will be automatically removed from the content. …

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Title Settings

Skip Post if word exists in Title – Use this feature to filter posts during scraping. It checks for a specified word; if found in the title, the post is skipped. Search and Replace: Add Words – Enable the option to replace or remove a specific word from the scraped title. Once selected, the ‘Add …

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Amazon Settings

Amazon Source Configuration – Input can be provided by adding keywords for the product, a link to the page, or HTML code (for wishlists). Amazon Region – Choose the Amazon region(Country) from which you want to scrape products. Skip the post if the price does not exist, or if it’s an out-of-stock or unavailable product …

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WP Auto is a WordPress plugin that includes Amazon integration capabilities, allowing users to automatically import products and content from Amazon onto their WordPress site. This feature enables seamless affiliate marketing by populating your website with Amazon products and affiliate links. Users can set up filters to target specific product categories, keywords, or price ranges, …

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Feeds Settings

Feed Source URL – Enter the Single Page Source URL. Multiple Feeds URL – Add multiple feed sources in a single campaign. Once it has scraped all the articles from the first feed, it moves to the next feed URL. Check for Latest Feeds – Enabling this option will automatically check for the latest posts.


RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are a standardized format for delivering regularly updated content from websites. They enable users to stay updated with the latest articles, news, blog posts, and other web content without having to visit each site individually. RSS feeds work by publishing a summary of content or the full text, along with …

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Source Settings

Source URL – Enter the Multi Page Source URL. Select Single Page Link – Choose ‘Single Page Link’ to efficiently extract specific content from a Multi-page Source. The plugin has the functionality to scrape all pages below the selected link. Extract Links from Multiple Sections – Multipage may have multiple sections. With WP Auto, you …

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Multi Page Scraper

Multipage scrapers are commonly used for web scraping, data mining, and content aggregation. They save significant time and effort by eliminating the need to manually copy and paste data from each page. The multipage scraper feature in WP Auto allows the plugin to navigate through multiple pages of a website to capture a comprehensive set …

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Auto Run Settings

Run to add a new post every – Specify the time-frequency to schedule the task using the built-in CRON. CRON Unit per minutes/Hours/Days – Input task timing in minutes, hours, or days, allowing automated processes to be scheduled accurately. Pause Current Campaign to Auto Run? – Activate the ‘Pause’ feature to halt the ongoing campaign’s …

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Translator Settings

Translate Option – Use the Translate option to convert content into your preferred language by enabling Google Translator. Translate Title Too? – Enable the option to translate the title, or leave it untouched to keep it the same as the source.

Spinner Settings

Select Spinner Type – The Spinner enhances content uniqueness. Enable the built-in spinner option, add the Spinner API in settings, save the campaign, and run it. Spin Title Also – Enable to spin title or leave untouched to get original title.

Other Settings

Maximum Number of Posts – Specify the number of posts that the campaign should generate from the source URL. Set Original Date – Activate the option to set the source post date as the current post date. Post Type – Choose the post type based on your requirements, such as Post, Page, or Product. Set …

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Image Settings

Image Extraction Method – Now, you can find the featured image using the following options: Auto Finding – Automatically finds the featured image in the article. Visual Selection – This allows you to visually select the image you want to use as a featured image from inline images. Media Gallery – It will navigate to …

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Content Settings

Content Selection Method – It is possible to detect the content in two ways. Either use the ‘Auto detect’ option to automatically detect the content from the webpage or use ‘Visual Selection’ to manually select the data you want from the source site. Search and Replace: Add Words – Enable the option to replace or …

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Title Settings

Title Extraction Method – Easily select the title using two methods: either choose ‘Auto Findings’ for automatic detection or use ‘Visual Selection’ for manual title selection. OG Title as Post Title – Enable using og:title as the Post Title when sharing posts on social media platforms for clear representation. Skip Post if word exists in …

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Single Page Scraper

WP Auto is a powerful tool designed to scrape a specified webpage to your WordPress site. Input the URL of the desired single page, and it will efficiently extract various types of information, including text content, images, and links. This functionality proves valuable for tasks such as content aggregation or data analysis. Users have the …

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Auto Run Settings

Run to add a new post every – Specify the time-frequency to schedule the task using the built-in CRON. CRON Unit per minutes/Hours/Days – Input task timing in minutes, hours, or days, allowing automated processes to be scheduled accurately. Pause Current Campaign to Auto Run? – Activate the ‘Pause’ feature to halt the ongoing campaign’s …

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Translator Settings

Translate Option – Use the Translate option to convert content into your preferred language by enabling Google Translator. Translate Title Too? – Enable the option to translate the title, or leave it untouched to keep it the same as the source.

Other Settings

Maximum Number of Posts – Specify the number of posts that the campaign should generate from the source URL. Set Original Date – Activate the option to set the source post date as the current post date. Post Type – Choose the post type based on your requirements, such as Post, Page, or Product. Set …

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Image Settings

Image Extraction Method – Now, you can set the featured image using the following options: Media Gallery : It will navigate to the Media Library in your WordPress, where you can select the image you want as the featured image. Other Sources : It is possible to fetch images from ‘PixaBay’ and ‘Pexels’. Simply mention …

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Content Settings

Search and Replace: Add Words – Enable the option to replace or remove a specific word from the scraped content. Once selected, the ‘Add Words’ section appears, allowing you to specify the word. If no replacement word is provided in the ‘Replace word’ field, then the mentioned word will be automatically removed from the title. …

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Title Settings

Skip Post if word exists in Title – It checks for a specified word; if found in the title, the post is skipped. Search and Replace: Add Words – Enable the option to replace or remove a specific word from the scraped title. Once selected, the ‘Add Words’ section appears, allowing you to specify the …

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GPT Settings

Article Keywords – Enter keywords in the text box and select the desired keyword from the dropdown menu. For a single campaign, use a maximum of 5 to 10 keywords for seamless content generation. Custom Options – Activate the option to customize the prompt for Title, Content, and GPT modules. Rotate Keywords – For each …

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Incorporating OpenAI GPT into WP Auto revolutionizes the plugin’s content generation capabilities. Utilizing OpenAI’s powerful GPT language model, WP Auto automatically produces high-quality, human-like articles. The seamless integration between WP Auto and OpenAI GPT, alongside DALL·E, opens up new possibilities for automating content creation. This ensures a consistent flow of fresh and engaging articles, complete …

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Within the Auto Rank User Log, you’ll find details on the actions you’ve taken using the plugin. This log showcases the latest 100 records, providing insights into: The Post/Page/Product Title along with its ID The timestamp for each log entry Whether the SEO update was successfully generated or if it failed, and whether the process …

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The table section provides the functionality to generate or rewrite all meta information based on your configured settings. Within the header section, you will find fields for the Title of the Post, AI Title, AI Description, AI Keyword, and AI Tags. By selecting ‘Generate/Regenerate,’ the system will generate the meta information for the specific post. …

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Auto Rank, when integrated within the Post Type, tailors its display according to your specified settings. To selectively generate SEO Meta for posts, simply enable “Enable Post Meta” in the settings. Choose the fields you wish to generate using Auto Rank and save your settings. This process can be replicated for Products and Pages. Enable …

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Auto Rank offers a dashboard module that allows you to view statistics regarding the number of Posts, Pages, and Products on your WordPress website, indicating how many are processed by Auto Rank. Additionally, a concise overview of Auto Rank’s Processed Table, Chart, and User Log is provided.

Installation Steps

Download the Auto Rank plugin from My Accounts. Go to the WordPress dashboard and click on Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin. Select the file from your directory, upload the “.zip” file, and click on “Install Now” followed by “Activate Plugin.” Upon completion, you will be directed to the AutoRank Dashboard.

Introduction of Auto Rank Plugin for WordPress

The Auto Rank algorithm transforms search engine optimization by automating vital on-page tasks. It creates detailed Meta Titles, concise Meta Descriptions, relevant Focus Keywords, and accurate Tags for your website. This automation leads to better website visibility, a boost in organic traffic, increased click-through rates, and improved rankings in search engine results. Auto Rank provides …

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