Auto Run Settings

Run to add a new post every – Specify the time-frequency to schedule the task using the built-in CRON. CRON Unit per minutes/Hours/Days – Input task timing in minutes, hours, or days, allowing automated processes to be scheduled accurately. Pause Current Campaign to Auto Run? – Activate the ‘Pause’ feature to halt the ongoing campaign’s …

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Translator Settings

Translate Option – Use the Translate option to convert content into your preferred language by enabling Google Translator. Translate Title Too? – Enable the option to translate the title, or leave it untouched to keep it the same as the source.

Other Settings

Maximum Number of Posts – Specify the number of posts that the campaign should generate from the source URL. Set Original Date – Activate the option to set the source post date as the current post date. Post Type – Choose the post type based on your requirements, such as Post, Page, or Product. Set …

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Image Settings

Image Extraction Method – Now, you can set the featured image using the following options: Media Gallery : It will navigate to the Media Library in your WordPress, where you can select the image you want as the featured image. Other Sources : It is possible to fetch images from ‘PixaBay’ and ‘Pexels’. Simply mention …

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Content Settings

Search and Replace: Add Words – Enable the option to replace or remove a specific word from the scraped content. Once selected, the ‘Add Words’ section appears, allowing you to specify the word. If no replacement word is provided in the ‘Replace word’ field, then the mentioned word will be automatically removed from the title. …

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Title Settings

Skip Post if word exists in Title – It checks for a specified word; if found in the title, the post is skipped. Search and Replace: Add Words – Enable the option to replace or remove a specific word from the scraped title. Once selected, the ‘Add Words’ section appears, allowing you to specify the …

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GPT Settings

Article Keywords – Enter keywords in the text box and select the desired keyword from the dropdown menu. For a single campaign, use a maximum of 5 to 10 keywords for seamless content generation. Custom Options – Activate the option to customize the prompt for Title, Content, and GPT modules. Rotate Keywords – For each …

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Incorporating OpenAI GPT into WP Auto revolutionizes the plugin’s content generation capabilities. Utilizing OpenAI’s powerful GPT language model, WP Auto automatically produces high-quality, human-like articles. The seamless integration between WP Auto and OpenAI GPT, alongside DALL·E, opens up new possibilities for automating content creation. This ensures a consistent flow of fresh and engaging articles, complete …

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